The customer is always right. And always wrong.

You have to not fit in or blend in. Only if you want to be you.

Fitting in and Blending in.

Why they’re 2 dangerous things in a world of average.

→ Fit in

Imagine this: you’re a square and have to mold yourself to fit in a circle shape, because everyone else is a circle. In the end, you’re still a square, only now hiding your edge.

→ Blend in

Picture yourself as a color. You’re a color (choose your fave one) and get into a blender with other colors. You get blended in dissolving and dissipating your hue and intensity. You get average color.

These 2 are way too dangerous if you want to stand out. They impede you to do it.

What’s the way out?

Un-fit and un-blend. Or, as Louis Grenier says: Stand The F*ck Out.

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