
marketing & brand strategy consultancy

I help indie consultants and creators find, claim and own the gaps in their markets... and their marketing.

archive of my daily newsletter


marketing & brand strategy consultancy

I help indie consultants and creators find, claim and own the gaps in their markets... and their marketing.

work experience


marketing & brand strategy consultancy

I help indie consultants and creators find, claim and own the gaps in their markets... and their marketing.

Finding The Gap

A daily newsletter for indie consultants and creators —without the bullshit.

One tip, question, or belief-challenge to help you find, claim and own the gaps in your market... and your marketing.

Not sure yet? Explore the archive >>

work experience

Brand & Marketing Strategy Consultant

01/16 — Now

I design and develop non-conventional business strategies, leveraging marketing and branding at the core of my clients’ growth.
I help them find, claim and own the Product-Market Gaps in their markets to gain deeper customer insights so they can design and deliver offerings people want.

• Redesigned business and revenue models for indie consultants: 10 - 20X jump revenue.
• Opened new market niches for startups in med-specialized, travel and green consultancy industries.
• Raised new member acquisition by 200% for a non-profit ESG in the big capital investing industry in Peru.
• Led social media and content marketing campaigns.

Operations Manager

Dreamer Hostels

04/15 — 01/16

My goal in this business was to make this new expanded property more profitable.
I redesigned and reorganized how to run the property, making it “the place to be”, doubled its revenue and increased profitability.

• Raised revenue, profitability and reputation of the new expanded property.
• Redesigned and reorganized how to run the property.
• The only property —from 80+ competitors—to have 98% occupancy rate while keeping prices at a premium.
• Raised yearly revenue from $300K to $600K+.

Brand & Marketing Strategy Consultant

01/16 — Now

I design and develop non-conventional business strategies, leveraging marketing and branding at the core of my clients’ growth.
I help them find, claim and own the Product-Market Gaps in their markets to gain deeper customer insights so they can design and deliver offerings people want.

• Redesigned business and revenue models for independent consultants: 10 - 20X their revenue.
• Opened new market niches for startups in med-specialized, travel and green consultancy industries.
• Raised new member acquisition by 200% for a non-profit ESG in the big capital investing industry in Peru.
• Led social media and content marketing campaigns.

Operations Manager

Dreamer Hostels

04/15 — 01/16

My goal in this business was to make this new expanded property more profitable.
I redesigned and reorganized how to run the property, making it “the place to be”, doubled its revenue and increased profitability.

• Raised revenue, profitability and reputation of the new expanded property.
• Redesigned and reorganized how to run the property.
• The only property —from 80+ competitors—to have 98% occupancy rate while keeping prices at a premium.
• Raised yearly revenue from $300K to $600K+.

Category Manager

SEO Chemical

01/13 — 02/15

I was brought onboard to help grow this 20-year family business in a competitive B2B market.
I repositioned the business as the go-to specialist for the sector, expanded its ops nationwide, opened new lines of business and raised revenue 500%.
This growth lead to its acquisition by Clariant.

• Repositioned the business as the go-to specialist brand working with large companies in Mining, Import/Export, Logistics, Manufacturing, Glass, Plastics and more.
• Increased revenue +500%. From mid-6-figures to 7-figures
• Expanded operations nationwide and internationally.
• Expanded new product lines and international markets.

Hospitality & Travel Industry

10+ years

I worked and ran different projects, startups and positions in hospitality and travel for 10+ years, knowing the industry deep from the inside.
From first interning at Walt Disney World (Florida, USA) and JW Marriott Lima to work with various independent restaurants, franchises and hotels in Peru and Colombia.


impact projects

Business & Brand Strategy, Positioning, Research for Startups, Leading Global Teams, Organizational Talent & Development, Innovation & Brand Frameworks, Creative Strategy, Communications & Data Visualization, Writing, Copywriting, Content Strategy and Development.




a tour through my thinking

The best way to know if we might be a good fit? Get to know my thinking.

This is my daily newsletter (no worries, you’re directed to the archive —no need to sign up).

Finding The Gap

One *daily* tip, question or belief-challenge to find, claim and own the untaken space in your market.

Shift your thinking from “What Is” into “What Could Be“.


marketing & brand strategy consultancy

I help indie consultants and creators find, claim and own the gaps in their markets... and their marketing.